Calendar                           2025



Sunday Services at 10.30 am.


26th January
3rd Sunday of Epiphany 
   Morning Prayer

Our Services for February will be announced shortly.


First Saturday of each Month: 10.00 am to 12 noon
Coffee Morning & Social Activities


   Fortnightly Fellowship Group

Alternate Thursdays at 2.30 pm. St John's Church Hall.
An informal time of prayer, reflection, discussion and worship.
 More details from church office. 


St Alban's Choir
Choir Practice every Tuesday 7.30 - 9.00 pm
 see Heading 'Community' & 'Choir'



Our Bishop of Barking, Rt. Revd. Lynne Cullens

Bishop of Barking

Bishop Lynne is pictured below with our former Archdeacon, Revd. Elwin Cockett.

Bishop Lynne & Elwin C