Vicar's Message

                                                                                                                         From Revd. Kate Lovesey

Kate 2024 

Here we are at the beginning of the summer holidays. I know some people dread them: what are we going to do with the kids? How will we juggle child care and work? It can be a struggle. 

I always loved the summer holidays when my girls were small, that chance to cease the unrelenting school runs and the seemingly endless routine. It was a chance to gain a little rest and enjoy some play. Although there is always work for parents to do it seemed the better weather and the chance for a little later breakfast time was a blessing.  

We don’t talk about counting blessings much these days but we do know that focusing on the good things that happen cause more optimism whilst focusing on the bad can lead to depression. 

It’s very hard sometimes to focus on anything good especially if you’re going through a time of ill heath, stress, bereavement, joblessness and money worries. The news tells us of all the world’s bad happenings local and globally. None of which is positive because positive news doesn’t sell. So how do we change our thinking? CS Lewis wrote 'You can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending. We can start at the beginning anew each day'.

Counting our blessings (the good things in our lives) friends, family, or start very small, the beauty in the flowers as we walk in a gardens. A well made cup of tea. A small kindness done for us. These build over time and help us see that there is good in the world. Even just giving yourself permission to do a little less during the summer months. Or taking a little time out, even if that is a cuppa in the garden or chatting with a friend.

Jesus said: I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” ( Rev. 22 v13) 

If God is with us then we never have to fear new beginnings or endings. For He doesn’t just know the story of our lives, He is in it all the way. Even through our summer holidays. 


Prayer: Dear God, thank You for giving us ways to remember that we are Your people, and remembering this, to be mindful of the ways You call us to live for You. This includes in making sacrifices that will come in many forms throughout each day and throughout our lives. Help each of our days to be one that is changed forever because of the faith, hope, and love that You give us to carry along with us. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


Previous Reflections:

                                                                        Hope for the Future

Message from Easter 2024.

 In the church, we are still celebrating the Easter season. There are six Sundays in it that mark the journey towards the ultimate end of the story. These Sundays serve as reminders of the various aspects of Jesus' resurrection and the significance it holds for believers. The Easter season concludes with Ascension Day, (12th May) which falls 40 days after Jesus' resurrection.

 Ascension Day represents the happy end to the story of Jesus' earthly journey. It commemorates the moment when Jesus, after spending time with His disciples and teaching them about the kingdom of God, ascended into heaven. It is a day of triumph and hope, as it signifies Jesus' return to His rightful place at the right hand of God.


I have a favourite quote by Khalil Gibran, "Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars." 


It reminds me that we have a choice how we respond to the hardships of life. Do we embrace being a victim and live our life in the negative past or do we find some strength in recovery and learn to live again?


This thought resonates deeply during this season. We can see that through the suffering and scars of Jesus' crucifixion, the strength of His character and the power of His love emerged. It is through His sacrifice that believers find redemption and hope; it gives us the ability to have compassion for those who suffer and it is through our own trials and tribulations that we too can grow and become stronger and more forgiving. 


As we celebrate the Easter season and approach Ascension Day, let us reflect on the profound meaning behind Jesus' resurrection and the enduring message of hope and renewal it brings. It gives us hope for a future we cannot see and for those we have lost and will meet again one day in heaven.


May we find solace in knowing that even in the face of suffering, there is strength to be found, and that the scars we bear can become symbols of resilience and transformation. 





There were some shocking things in the news recently, most notably the case of the nurse who killed babies. I am sure everyone who worked with her thought of her as a good kind person - and even now are shocked that she would kill poor little vulnerable already sick babies.

 I think our first impulse is to turn the page or scroll on past the story. We just don’t want to know people are capable of acts that evil.

 This sort of behaviour is such a betrayal of trust. We always trust our nurses and doctors and sometimes we forget they are human and all humans are flawed.

 This behaviour highlights that trust is how society exists. It’s how things get done and we trust in everything from our can of beans being canned in a safe clean environment, to the roof over our heads being well built.

 What do we do when we feel our trust is broken and our faith in humanity shaken? Should we all build our own houses and can our own beans? Well, we could, but actually the answer is an odd one and that is to keep trusting. Don’t let one evil person destroy everything else you rely on. 

 In this hard and troubled world we can only trust and be grateful these sort of troubled souls are few and far between. If like me you are a praying type. Pray for the victims and their families and all who are hurt by this act of evil. And know today there are many nurses and doctors saving lives and they will continue to do so. We can also be grateful for our police and our justice system for the work they do in catching and preventing more crimes like these.

 Jesus said “ Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me”. It is good as to keep trusting in our faith, in our families and those good people around us.


                                 Little moments of grace lifting a difficult day. 

 The news as always is a hive of misery - recently they were saying that Covid is on the rise, prices on the rise and talk of a winter where fuel bills will be frightening. 

Last year (2023) was a dramatic one for me personally with suddenly needing a valve replacement and open-heart surgery. 

From the moment I was whisked away from my life into hospital, it was my family, friends and churches that looked after me - not to forget the nurses, doctors, and staff of the hospitals. I am very grateful for their expertise and help. Also, for the love shown by those around me. I wouldn’t have coped without them. 


In hospital I saw patients helping each other during their most difficult moments just doing little things to help: helping someone with cold feet by giving them a pair of socks; using a call button for them when they couldn’t; sharing food or sweets.

I saw a cleaner become an interpreter for a patient and a doctor. These are all love in action, not huge but little moments of grace that lifted someone having a difficult day. Let’s take this advice and show a little love for that can go a long way.


Jesus said ‘I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another.’ Whatever our belief we could do worse than follow this advice. Just think how much of a difference it would make if we took this seriously and helped people whoever they may be. If we became aware of someone suffering and we did whatever small thing that is within our power to help. 



                                                                                 Returning to the Community

There will always be obstacles to attending church. Maybe you work or have sports practice on Sundays; you don’t think church is necessary, or you just want to relax after a stressful week. In recent times Covid and all the stress of that has meant it was easier to stop coming even if it had been part of your normal pre-pandemic.

Here are a few reasons why you may like to consider getting back to normal or even starting to come to church.

It is a community that anyone is welcome to be part of; believers and non-believers attend our church services and our social events.  We like to have meals together and celebrations. You will find a listening ear and friendship. We try to be accessible to anyone who comes.

What we learn at church gives us guidance on how to follow God, improve our spirituality, and live better lives. We think about life’s troubles and how we might best approach them. You can be uplifted by fellow believers and by the opportunity to serve the local community.

It is a place to learn about faith and not just experience it. You may also feel the Holy Spirit who brings “love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness and faith” (Galatians 5:22).

Church is a community where we can socialize and support each other. You can make friends, feel a sense of belonging and build a support network that you can rely on. The church community helps us to “mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort.” We are called to help the blind and the lame.

You can find answers at church. Maybe you’re struggling with a specific question or need some direction in your life. Maybe you just need to feel God’s love and know that He is there. As you listen to sermons and study God’s teachings, you will have opportunities to receive insight from God. He wants to communicate with you, and church is a good place to hear His voice in your heart and mind. And learn how He speaks to us.

 And finally there is no wrong reason to come along. If you just need an inexpensive place to be with others or are looking for friendship or just a chat and a coffee.  You are welcome.



On Saturday 10.10.2020 at 2.00 pm it was a special day in more than just numbers. I had the honour of being with Keziah Jimoh as she was licensed as a LLM (Licensed Lay Leader).

 The address was given by a young Lay Leader who works to encourage lay leadership across the whole of the Church of England called Carrie Myers. She asked us earlier in the day to think about what sort of plant we would be as we were planted in God’s garden. What would be our characteristics? Bishop Peter Hill told us he was a leek, as it has welsh connections. That’s his context. It is an earthy plant. And we need to be grounded.

Keziah, Bob & Kate

 I would see myself as a daisy, mainly because they are resilient, tough little flowers. I would see Keziah as an orchid, as her start towards this day has had moments when she hasn’t known where her supporters would be. Losing her first vicar to be replaced by an Interim Minister (me).

Keziah & Bishop Peter

  But orchids don’t need much soil and       are great at taking nutrients from the   air by stretching out their roots.  She   has worked hard in a second language   and has succeeded. Well done, Keizah.

 I look forward to seeing you grow into   your ministry. Thank you to everyone   who  supported Keziah during her   training.

 God Bless you.

Keziah at Chelmsford


                                                                 A prayer for all of us.

Keep us, good Lord,
under the shadow of your mercy 
in this time of uncertainty and distress.
Sustain and support the anxious and fearful,
and lift up all who are brought low;
that we may rejoice in your comfort
 knowing that nothing can separate us from your love
in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Some of our on-line services recorded in 2021 can be viewed.  Please go to our Video section.